Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Some astonishing facts

Lets see how really long is 2000 years.

Astronomers from 2,000 years ago recorded that Sirius was a red star; today it is a white dwarf star. Conventional astronomy, which states that 100,000 years are required for a star to "evolve" from a red giant to a white dwarf, must be wrong.

‘Is the Big Bang true biblically?’ Following suggest that it cannot be true: (I took it from an excerpt)
  • According to Scripture, the universe is only about six thousand years old; the Big-Bang theory requires it to be billions of years old. (Exodus 20:11 – ‘For the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and everything in them in six days.’) We are not talking about the fossils obtained billions of years old. Scientists from around the world have reconstructed changes in Earth's ancient ocean chemistry during a broad sweep of geological time, from about 2.5 to 0.5 billion years ago. They have discovered that a deficiency of oxygen and the heavy metal molybdenum in the ancient deep ocean may have delayed the evolution of animal life on Earth for nearly 2 billion years- http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080326142229.htm
  • Subatomic particles, the elements, and many of the compounds of the universe were created in a single day of Creation Week; the Big-Bang theory has these things developing over billions of years.
  • The Big Bang assumes that the matter of the universe is uniformly distributed. That something is wrong with the Big Bang theory is evidenced by the fact that the microwave radiation has actually been found to be too uniform – more uniform than the distribution of matter in the universe.
  • The Big-Bang theories include the unboundedness of the universe and its uniform distribution of matter. The universe must have no boundary. Yet Scripture seems to infer that there is a boundary to the universe. On the fourth day of Creation Week, God placed the sun, moon, and stars within the firmament (space, or expanse) of the heavens (Genesis 1:14-18). Two days earlier He had placed this firmament in order to separate ‘the waters above’ from the waters below the expanse (Genesis 1:6-8). There are many different explanations of just what is being referred to by ‘the waters above.’ When the passage is carefully considered, there is a strong suggestion that all the bodies of the universe are bounded above by ‘waters above.’ If so, the universe is bounded, and this basic assumption of the Big Bang is invalid.”
Not even this, the theory stating Man evolved from monkeys has been put to question. New theory suggests a big bang theory in Human evolution. Check out :

Finally, there are evidences of a young world. The facts that have been told to the world might be misled due to many factors. Check out http://www.christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c012.html
for more.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Food for thought...

It was a dark night as always. I had come from the supermarket and was in the process of relaxation when I switched on the television. A Chinese or Japanese (whatever) movie with all kinds of unrealistic actions was being displayed as a 2-dimensional image in the big black gadget. And I thought...

Its the first time, I thought that whatever is being shown - does it even make sense ? The literally flying people fighting in air with more than 2000 soldiers and crushing them like wheat.

Why in last 22 years, this did not occur to me that I have been brainwashed all my life ? The way we are brought up, is that the right way to grow ? I look at what We have achieved. All our discoveries are guided by nature. There is not a single invention/discovery Mankind has been able to do which is not influenced by Nature at some level.

Maybe its time to question ourselves and ask if the way we grow is the right way to grow so as to continue the process of evolution started by Mother Nature billions of years back. Man, being the most complex organism on this planet, has the ability to think and change something vital to adapt to surroundings. Lets take for example tigers. Himalayan tiger is suited to the cold temperature whereas, African tigers are comfortable with high temperatures and different flora/fauna. Why is that Man is same everywhere ? Don't you think we have changed something vital in the natural process ? Instead of changing ourselves to the surroundings, we create conditions which suit us.

I believe that we are changing the evolution process. The fact is not only about the living conditions. All organisms lower in the food chain, do not have much of the abilities which Man possesses. Even mental evolution or evolutions at many levels which (maybe) more complex organisms than Man are capable of, might be possible which are being postponed.

Every time something vital changes in Nature, it is corrected. Take for example, the asteroid which wiped out the Dinosaurs. With the loss of resources on Earth and complete change in the biological components of atmosphere, the day of reckoning awaits us.